Half. Only half of professional women of color in the workplace would consider themselves to be thriving. Half isn’t nearly enough.
According to McKinsey’s Women in the Workplace 2021 study, professional women and moms of color are more likely than other women and men to experience microaggressions in the workplace. They are promoted at a lower rate than men (for every 100 men promoted, only 85 women of color receive promotions). And all women are experiencing burnout: one in three women has considered quitting or downshifting their career this past year.
Professional women and moms of color don’t need empty words or sympathy. They don’t need additional programs or inclusion groups. They don’t even necessarily need a higher income or more time off. Professional women and moms of color need an ally – someone to partner with them and support them with intentionality and enthusiasm. And We Optimize Work wants to help you be the executive that does allyship right.
Merriam-Webster defines an ally as a person or group that provides assistance and support in an ongoing effort, activity, or struggle. Forbes goes a step further by defining modern-day allyship in three parts: “a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people; not self-defined—work and efforts must be recognized by those you are seeking to ally with; and, an opportunity to grow and learn about ourselves, whilst building confidence in others.”
The mission of We Optimize Work is to equip executives to intentionally create space for professional women and moms of color to flourish in the workplace. This month, we’re challenging businesses to become true allies to professional women and moms of color – and we want to be your guide! Follow us this month for tips on pursuing allyship intentionALLY, enthusiasticALLY, and personALLY.
IntentionALLY: Learn what steps to take toward supporting professional women and moms of color. We’ll identify what is truly useful and what is unhelpful or harmful.
EnthusiasticALLY: Join us as we celebrate other executives and companies doing allyship the right way! We’ll look at what methods and strategies work and why.
PersonALLY: Discuss how to make your allyship personal by means of mentorship, sponsorship, and more.
We Optimize Work is ready to partner with you this month and beyond! For helpful tips and timely insights, follow us on social media and sign up for our weekly emails at www.weoptimizework.com. And if you’re an executive determined to make space for professional women and moms of color in your workplace this year, book a Discovery Call with us. We’d love to tell you more about what We Optimize Work has to offer and explore how we can partner with you and your company. We can’t wait to help you be more than an ally!
To set up a Discovery Call today, email Domonique Townsend, founder and CEO at We Optimize Work, at info@weoptimizework.com. For more information about who we are and what we do, check out our website at www.weoptimizework.com.